Illegal Gold extraction in Camagüey,more than 30 prosecuted

Ilegal Gold extraction in Camagüey,30 prosecuted

HAVANA, May 27th. More than 30 people were prosecuted in Camagüey, accused of poaching mining and illegal gold extraction, some of whom reportedly received sanctions of up to two years in prison, published the official Cubadebate portal.

In total, the Popular Provincial Court processed nine cases for acts against natural and economic resources, crimes provided for in Article 317 section two of the Penal Code, which establishes sanctions of deprivation of liberty, from six months to two years, or fines of 200 to 500 installments or both.

“In these events, more than 30 people were enrolled to whom criminal measures were applied, according to the personal characteristics of each accused, the social harmfulness of the events, whether they are primary, repeat offenders or multiple repeat offenders, plus the social conduct in the area of residence,” the note stated.

According to the author of the text, in its assessment of the facts, the Department of Criminal Affairs of the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office maintained that in all legal proceedings involving these criminal figures “compliance with constitutional guarantees and due rights was exercised.”

Illegal Gold extraction in Camagüey,30 prosecuted

The note ruled out that the proclamation in the neighborhoods of the city of Camagüey, “I buy pieces of gold and silver,” is associated with gold “hunters,” or at least there is no evidence linking them.

According to Cubadebate, poaching mining and illegal extraction of gold have had negative consequences for the economy, specifically for the Geominera Camagüey Company, “due to the environmental impact of illegal extractions originating from the San Jacinto mine.”

On the agenda of a meeting in April between Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, and the governors of the Island was the topic of confronting illegal mining and the actions carried out in the province of Camagüey to confront it.

The authorities threatened with actions that did not allow impunity and celebrated that the Geomining Company has managed to establish a processing plant that provides employment in the area and “other benefits with a social focus” that are not specified.

Law 76 on Mines in its Article 4 defines that “the State has the inalienable and imprescriptible domain of the subsoil, the mines and all mineral resources, wherever they are located, within the constitutional regulations.”

In 2018, illegal gold extraction in Cuba left two dead and three seriously injured in Holguín. On that occasion, the official press attacked those “in search of a quick fortune (…) not only take illicit advantage of the national heritage and damage the environment, they also endanger their lives.”


Another of the problems of illegal gold extraction is the environmental damage it causes, among which are uneven soils, holes, deforestation, alteration of river beds and spills that affect water quality, he mentioned then. Granma.

According to geological estimates, Cuba has mineral reserves exceeding one billion tons, a potential open to foreign direct investment that the Government advocates in its “portfolio of opportunities.”
