Santiago de Cuba begins sales of charcoal through the ration book

Santiago de Cuba begins sales of charcoal through the ration book

HAVANA, May 22  Authorities in Santiago de Cuba announced the sale of charcoal to the population “as an alternative to the electricity deficit and the fuel situation” in the country.The governor of the province, Manuel Falcón Hernández, explained in a meeting with local deputies that measures are being adopted to start the sale of coal, one of the government’s decisions to try to appease the discontent of the population amid days of up to 20 hours in a blackout.

According to residents in that territory, in some areas they are already selling one can per supply book at a price of $125 Cuban pesos.

A high percentage of Cuban families cook with electrical equipment, which makes it difficult for them to cook food when there is no electrical service.

Through various channels, Cubans have expressed their discomfort with the crisis, which prevents them from eating and resting properly.

Falcón Hernández assured that the remaining products from the family basket would be delivered, a measure used by other local governments to reduce unrest.

The official stated that “the people are the first to know in depth all the details related to the situation in the province” and called on the people of Santiago “not to lose calm and raise awareness of the socioeconomic context facing the country.”

However, the pleas and Cubans do not seem to have any effect on the desperate families.

In cities such as Santiago de Cuba, Baracoa, Camagüey and Las Tunas, street protests and banging pots and pans have been reported in recent days.