Caribbean Festival Begins in Santiago de Cuba

Caribbean Festival Begins in Santiago de CubaHAVANA,Jul 3th (PL) The 37th International Festival of the Caribbean began today in this city, with an extensive cultural and academic program to strengthen the relations between the regional countries, based on respect to their roots and spirituality.

The opening ceremony will take place at the Theater Heredia, with expressions of the people’s traditional culture and the participation of representatives for more than 21 Caribbean countries, Latin America and Europe that will take part in this event, also called Fiesta del Fuego (Celebration of Fire).

In this 37th edition, the island of Bonaire will receive the greatest honor, as special guest that will take the opportunity to show the richness and diversity of its culture, through music, a carnival, cuisine traditions, poetry, theater and fine arts.

The festival will be on until Sunday, organized by the house of the Caribbean as one of its main events in 35 years.

As an initiative of founder-director Joel James, this celebration has been possible, thanks to the collaboration by the Culture Ministry and other Cuban and foreign institutions.

During the opening ceremony of the Press Center at the Patrimonial Corridor Las Enramadas, the participants will make statements against the internal interferance policies of US President Donald Trump.