Cuban artist raises his voice in favor of an animal protection law

Cuban artist raises his voice in favor of an animal protection law

HAVANA, Aug 3 Gabriel Guerra Bianchini is a Cuban artist, from Havana,

that he is using his talent for a social purpose, and it is to raise the voice in demand for the establishment of necessary legislation on the protection of animals in Cuba.

As is well known, there is no legislature on the Island that regulates the mistreatment of animals; For this reason, in a disorganized and discriminated way, it is very common to see zoonosis officials dispose of evicted dogs and cats on the streets through arbitrary sacrifice instead of assigning them to families who want to take care of them.Cuban artist raises his voice in favor of an animal protection law

Actions that are taken in the absence of a law that regulates this process and advocates for the care and proper conservation of animal life in Cuba.

And it is for this reason that Guerra Bianchini has dedicated himself to creating a photo gallery that bears the name “Maybe now you can see us.”

This consists of a series of images of various sites in the city, where you can see how the presence of giant stray dogs and cats stands out.

The objective of this work is to show in a graphic way the space that occupies this problem that requires attention on the Island.

The images have been disseminated by their author in their social networks, where he has explained his inspiration for this project.Cuban artist raises his voice in favor of an animal protection law

“Maybe now you can see us,” “It’s a small series I’ve been working on, with a social purpose. To ensure that one day not far away an animal protection law is established in Cuba. Imagine them like this, giants of our city ”; He explained the Havana in his various posts.

When the constitutional reform was being planned for a moment, it was thought that this legal vacuum would be taken into account; however, after the project was finalized, the law against animal abuse was left out of it.

For this reason, there are more and more citizens who voluntarily join this noble cause, forming independent groups that gather efforts to give proper attention to stray animals that are homeless and require attention.Cuban artist raises his voice in favor of an animal protection law

An example of this is the march against animal abuse that took place in Havana during last March; or as the case of the animal shelter that was opened in Santa Clara.

Taken from Photos: Instagram Gabriel Guerra Bianchini